Thursday, April 16, 2009

Mom lost a tooth trying to save the house

... I wish she hadn't done that. Your health is your true wealth. That's where the investment belongs. I know everyone needs a home to be healthy, but I wish she had taken out a reverse mortgage so that she could have retired and taken care of herself.

It's tricky because everyone needs a legacy, and the house is her chosen legacy. Still, if she could only afford half a house as her legacy, wouldn't that be OK?

I don't remember how many times I tried to talk her into that reverse mortgage. I hope it wasn't just that once, after it was too late (the house had lost value.)

And I wish I hadn't bummed money from her when I needed it (usually for taxes.) As far as I can see, people who do this either buy their relative's impoverished lifestyle or they buy themselves some karma. So maybe I've bought myself some karma...

But I didn't choose Mom's all-out self-sacrificing campaign to save the house. So maybe it's not karma. I can't quite wrap my head around it. But one thing's for sure. It sucks to see that tooth missing.

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