Monday, April 20, 2009

as ignorant as a 21st century tea partier

Pursuant to a recent post, I realize that, to some degree, people are all ignorant. I'm sure there were people among the tens (maybe hundreds) of thousands of people at the rallies who knew lots of stuff that I don't know and vice versa.

The point really is, how can they protest something they don't really understand? By now they must know that there's homework to be done, and the ideas are all pretty accessible via newspapers and the internet. I'm angry because they chose to make fools of themselves and menace the rest of us without doing their homework -- in at least one case without bothering to think things through.

The one case I refer to is that of a woman who's afraid of the layoffs she's having to make and the changes she's having to go through. And for this she wants to pin the tail on us donkeys? It's like there isn't a thought in her head -- just a bestial, emotional reaction. (I read about her on MSN shortly after the event happened.)

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