Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Russ saw this coming

Sunday Russ and I were motoring down to Tacoma to see his mother. He said he thought the economy was going to get worse before it was going to get better. I asked about the surge in confidence we would get from Obama's ascendence; and he answered that it wasn't just about confidence, that what we really need is resources. Well! That being established, I set about trying to get at how bad Russ thought things were going to get. Mind you, Russ doesn't like to lay out his whole thought or answer all the questions directly. He's more like Isaac Newton in that he wants the audience to fill in the blanks. But I asked enough questions to glean that he thought that things weren't going to get unrecognizeably worse. Whew!

And then we find today that a major bank has failed and two others falter.

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