Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Pickens is the word of the day

The Larry King Live forum concerning gas prices and profits left me with the impression that Robert Kennedy was 100% right; drilling is not the answer. I don't even think it's worth what we're paying for it. After all, new development is what we're paying for at the pump.

I figured the whole audience probably got the same idea. Now, a few days later, along comes T. Boone Pickens ( see "Conflict of interest," they say? How about "confluence of interest?" To the extent that he can, the man has put his money where his mouth is.

Still, (and I say this in my ignorance, having no information to back it up) my opinion is that the Pickens plan is too slow and doesn't emphasize home systems that allow people to own their own power.

"Too slow" I say not because I have any understanding of the numbers involved, but because Israel has a 3 year plan to go off of oil and I think, if they can do it that fast why can't we? I think that was mentioned on Larry King Live.

Better still if people can own their own power. Government subsidies could help. Sean Lennon, are you listening? POWER TO THE PEOPLE!

Even so, hooray for Pickens because he's giving us the very best he has to offer. He's not the government. He's a capitalist from the early 20th century offering a classic capitalist solution. And if it's the best we can do I'm all for doing it.

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