Friday, March 13, 2009

Brain Dump

Man, it's so cool having my own computer. Thanks a million to the friend who gave it to me. (Friend, in my blog I will refer to you as Charlie.)

Charlie's band is performing next week and I intend to drag my roommate to the show.

I neglected to count calories until after dinner, only to find that I had slightly overeaten. Counting is key. Count. Measure. Measure and count. Tonight I will need a workout. I'm wearing some skinny pants but they are tight.

If I didn't have this awesome gadget to play with tonight (the computer,) I would probably be procrastinating about housework while watching TV. Now I can procrastinate much more productively. And yes, I have been known to get up from my funk late at night and do housework, and I'm sure that is what will end up happening tonight as well. My mother was the same way. I can remember falling asleep to the sound of the vacuum cleaner when I was a child.


"Only the Destitute Walk" is the name of a blog whose link you will find at the bottom of this page. It's not nearly lighthearted enough for me to actually want to read it. I actually haven't read it for some time. But if you want to get educated about the reality of poverty in America, here's your read. It reminds me of the newspapers I sometimes buy and hardly ever read because the news is too scary.


To make a small donation to help a poor woman to help a lucky horse, check out . You may be surprised at how good you feel helping to save an animal versus whatever else you were going to do with small change.


Did I really have so little to say? Is it really time to clean the kitchen and scrub the toilet bowl? Not quite...

I remembered -- last night I started to have a good cry over Anwar so I called Charlie. Charlie pointed out my main problem. I mean, Anwar isn't my main problem. I lost him fair and square and he's surely in good hands now with his new lady. No, my problem is something Charlie hit upon last night; I don't have a good local support system. Who are my friends in Seattle? Well, there's the flirty guys. Charlie says they're not reliably supportive because they have their own (however innocuous) agenda. Also, there's Russ. But Russ isn't as supportive as one might think, because he has a strict schedule that incorporates everything from work to entertainment and, if I'm not down with the schedule (pinball, anyone?) I'm not going to get much face time. There's Charlie. He's certainly a friend, but only one friend. A person needs a community -- a network of emotional support to be emotionally healthy. I replied to Charlie that community was one of the things my job provided that I really liked, when I had a job.

So now I find myself an introverted, boring blogger who writes about her love life and house chores, sometimes stopping to count calories out loud.


I thought about Nicola again. He's so charming and mysterious that I should write a comic book about him. Nah, I wouldn't know what to write. How would I fill in the blanks? Nicola is a fleeting thought for me because he just doesn't give me enough material to think about.

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