Thursday, October 30, 2008

Pursuant to Previous Post

I can write for a few more minutes while Russ is in the shower. (This is his computer.) Time to get my head together. What I need to do is this:

-- vote
-- grocery shop (tonite)
-- file away all my paper flotsam (tonite)
-- do the laundry (tonite)
-- clean up my room (tonite)
-- pay the allergy clinic $5 to hold them off (I've discontinued treatment.)
-- go to tomorrow's job interview (and that means setting a loud alarm tonite)
-- go to the chocolate place with my resume (maybe tonite; I could use the chocolate)
-- do tons more laundry
-- call some bureaucrats to straighten something out
-- do my accounting coursework
-- apply for two specific jobs that I want
-- write a post about certain business ethics
-- get chocolate (tonite -- I need my fix)

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