Monday, October 20, 2008

Brain Dump Plus

Russ solved Rubik's Cube [the other day, the day I penned this.] He got to talking and I got to thinking a little about how he did it but, if you've ever given it half a thought, you can imagine what a P.I.T.A. it would be to write about!

What's beautiful is oceans, shells, beaches, skies, and those dangling, resonant blue glass figures that recall all of the above as they dance in the ocean's breeze -- all served up together with tea.

This dump is being done in a notebook because Russ' computer is off limits for the time being.

When I studied computer technology in school I had much better intuition about that day's technology than I do today about the current technology.

I never thought I'd see George W. Bush unfairly scapegoated. I never voted for him. I always thought he was up to not-enough-good and way too much counterproductivity. But there are some people who just blame *everything* on "W," and who once voted for his father -- or *twice* voted for his father. (I never once voted for any Bush.) People will say, for example, that real wages have decreased over the last 8 years as though it's a fluke, a caprice and a mistake. In fact, real wages have been in decline for almost 30 years by design -- and the people who brought us George Senior are hypocrites to complain.

Well, I suppose that if they've learned their lesson they're not hypocrites, but one sign of a reformed, penitent Republican is one who speaks of the fallout of a generation of supply-side economics, not just the last 8 years!

When I blog to a notebook I'm always afraid I won't want to bother transcribing it to an official post.

My appetite seems to have been re-awakened by a half pint of ice cream.

Anyone who wouldn't love my sweetheart has a cold heart.

Sweetheart, do you read my blog?

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