Wednesday, October 8, 2008

brain flotsam

It's time to dig out from a month's accumulation of unfinished chores. Anwar and I have been keeping horrendous hours together and we just realized that we have to stop the midnight madness. Now, I've always had a tendancy to sleep and wake at unusual times, but it has never been worse than in the last two days. I realized I needed intervention so I asked three friends to call me and wake me up, which pretty much worked. Now I'm at bat and there's work to do.

On another note, I got some bloodwork done and all the numbers were completely optimal and perfect. Perfect lipids, perfect otherstuff... The doctor said, "[This] is amazing... You must not have eaten anything fun." My diet is vindicated. My diet is perfect.

...And my brain is waking up, so this exercise is working. Let's see what else floats up to the top...

Ah, yes, diet. I'm my father's and mother's daughter, very diet-minded. See, now, Nicola, you should never eat fried chicken.

In the '60's, '70's and '80's nobody knew that certain things were bad for us. So we ate them with abandon. Bisquick was pitched as something as wholesome as flour. So I ate it 88 days in a row in 1983.

BTW, you got a kid? Eating and sleeping are important pursuits for your sweet 16. So are reading, writing and play. A camp with an academic theme is a great place to stick the kid for a couple of weeks. He's probably not ready for a job with all this personal development going on. If he wants a job, make sure he has the right reasons and is personally ready.

2:30. I gotta go.

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