Monday, March 1, 2010

More Diet Bore Digest

I must be under a lot of stress, as evidenced by my appetite today. As far as stress is concerned, no one could blame me. I have a freelance writing project on the table with plenty of work left to do. And tomorrow I have a bit of a dream-job interview for an art teaching gig. Teaching art will improve my art. You know, I had to drop out of that Art Instruction Schools correspondence course because I couldn't make the payments anymore. This will be a way to get back on the horse, so to speak. Everything depends on me right now, so I'm a little keyed up. My appetite beat me up to the tune of 1150 calories in the middle of the afternoon. What stopped it? This is the beautiful part -- I've discovered that, after a substantial, nutritious, balanced meal, an apple is all it takes to make me feel better and stop eating. It's easy to forget that, but today I remembered. An apple stopped my mid-afternoon mini-binge!

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