Sunday, March 28, 2010
Hooray for My Vitamin C
According to Valerie Saxion ,"Ester-C is the only form of vitamin C that does not affect tooth enamel. Ordinary vitamin C, especially the popular "chewable form," is very bad for teeth and should be strongly discouraged." So who is Valerie Saxion? One gorgeous doctor. Check out her picture at And if that quilted-together source link works, chalk one up for me.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Tea Party Trouble
Yeah, the tea partiers behaved shockingly the other day, what with the n-word and all, but how shocked can we really be? We knew they were an ignorant bunch from the get go. They were brought together with bad rhetoric. What did the rabble rousers think they were getting with that kind of talk? They should have known it would be an ignorant crowd that would embarass them silly which certainly seems to be what they deserve.
rabble rouser,
right wing,
right winger,
sore loser,
tea party
Monday, March 15, 2010
March Marches On
Tonight I went to take out the snail mail and did something decidedly un-diet-diva-like; I got an ice cream sundae at the shop near the mailbox.
Circumstances can be larger than an individual's ability to work around them, so I shouldn't be embarassed to tell my client that taxes, debt management and spring cleaning will take me out of the loop until Wednesday; there are no deadlines anyway. Still, I'm looking forward to the day when I can run on the flat and level and get tons of his work done. No Renaissance parties, no spring cleaning, no forms to fill out, no people to please -- just freelance writing and my weekly teaching gig (which I started last week, by the way.)
Soon my father will be here to clean the deluvium and more out of the basement, while I scrub the ground-floor floors (no deluvium there, just a winter's worth of residual grime -- not too bad because of the periodic superficial cleanings we've been giving it.)
I wish I had a picture, but I don't even have a camera.
Because of unanticipated trouble with the mail I have a severe cash-flow crisis. If anyone is reading this who feels like sending me a few bucks, please email me and I will be gob-smacked amazed that you exist. And if you're out there, thanks for reading and enjoying my blog.
Circumstances can be larger than an individual's ability to work around them, so I shouldn't be embarassed to tell my client that taxes, debt management and spring cleaning will take me out of the loop until Wednesday; there are no deadlines anyway. Still, I'm looking forward to the day when I can run on the flat and level and get tons of his work done. No Renaissance parties, no spring cleaning, no forms to fill out, no people to please -- just freelance writing and my weekly teaching gig (which I started last week, by the way.)
Soon my father will be here to clean the deluvium and more out of the basement, while I scrub the ground-floor floors (no deluvium there, just a winter's worth of residual grime -- not too bad because of the periodic superficial cleanings we've been giving it.)
I wish I had a picture, but I don't even have a camera.
Because of unanticipated trouble with the mail I have a severe cash-flow crisis. If anyone is reading this who feels like sending me a few bucks, please email me and I will be gob-smacked amazed that you exist. And if you're out there, thanks for reading and enjoying my blog.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Brain Dump
Last night I went to a party with a renaissance theme, dressed for the occasion in a replica 14th century Italian getup. If I'd really been up for it, it would have been really nice, but I was on the rag, so I dragged. Then I spent the night at a friend's house. I hate it when I do that. I wake up cold, hungry, dirty and bedraggled in the middle of someone else's Sunday with a long ride ahead of me to fill up most of the rest of my Sunday.
The deal was, I decided to stay the night so that my friend would go to Church with me (he never goes.) We had a deal. But we overslept the earlier masses because I was too cold to want to move and he hadn't set his watch 1 hour ahead for spring yet. Fine, I said we could go to a later mass. But he had obligations and couldn't do that either. Fine, I said he could go to a mass some other weekend without me. But, no, my friend is too timid to go to Church by himself. He's never been married, but he won't go by himself. What a pickle I'd be in if I couldn't go to Church by myself.
So here I sit trying to pick up loose ends and salvage a Sunday evening. I don't know where to start. One way to make today worth it is to consider my lesson paid in full -- no more overnights. My hosts are great, but overnights still suck. People try to make me comfortable. They try real hard, but there's no way they can replicate the comforts of home, especially when I have my period.
I have to add I was wrong to remain cold, stiff and huddled in bed instead of forcing myself to get up and check the time. Otherwise I could have gone to Church with my friend.
My sister and I are at my mother's house right now. We don't seem to have too much to say to one another right now, for no particular reason.
So... When I come around and start getting back into my routine, what shall I do? Well, I wanted to clean the litter box and do some laundry, but the basement is flooded. So instead I will clean up the kitchen, medicate the cat, dust some furniture and take a real good shower. Where's that cat? When he gets drowsy and relaxed that's when I'll pounce (that is, give him his medicine.)
The deal was, I decided to stay the night so that my friend would go to Church with me (he never goes.) We had a deal. But we overslept the earlier masses because I was too cold to want to move and he hadn't set his watch 1 hour ahead for spring yet. Fine, I said we could go to a later mass. But he had obligations and couldn't do that either. Fine, I said he could go to a mass some other weekend without me. But, no, my friend is too timid to go to Church by himself. He's never been married, but he won't go by himself. What a pickle I'd be in if I couldn't go to Church by myself.
So here I sit trying to pick up loose ends and salvage a Sunday evening. I don't know where to start. One way to make today worth it is to consider my lesson paid in full -- no more overnights. My hosts are great, but overnights still suck. People try to make me comfortable. They try real hard, but there's no way they can replicate the comforts of home, especially when I have my period.
I have to add I was wrong to remain cold, stiff and huddled in bed instead of forcing myself to get up and check the time. Otherwise I could have gone to Church with my friend.
My sister and I are at my mother's house right now. We don't seem to have too much to say to one another right now, for no particular reason.
So... When I come around and start getting back into my routine, what shall I do? Well, I wanted to clean the litter box and do some laundry, but the basement is flooded. So instead I will clean up the kitchen, medicate the cat, dust some furniture and take a real good shower. Where's that cat? When he gets drowsy and relaxed that's when I'll pounce (that is, give him his medicine.)
Monday, March 8, 2010
Brain Dump

Brrr! If anyone from the future is reading this, you have access to our 21st century weather record and you know that today wasn't particularly cold. But my room was poorly heated last night, and my workplace was also pretty cold (we wore coats;)and I've been pretty much shivering all day, even in the nice, warm car full of sunshine and soothing infrared.
There's a lot of work ahead of me today but it's hard to get right down to it because I'm cold. When I sat down to write a few minutes ago, the cold feeling was in my chest the way it was so often about ten years ago (at which time I must have been having some sort of endocrine disruption that was causing it, so pernicious was it.) But today it's environmental. It was such false economy not to heat the bedroom just because the night wasn't particularly cold. Below fifty is cold enough to warrant a space heater!
I'm ready for spring. I'm ready for warm-weather memories. Forgive me if I run some "old" (last spring/summer) pictures. I just like to do that, particularly because my camera phone broke and I have no new pictures.
I Love I Love I Love My Clalendar President
... Each and every day of the year!
January, you start the year off right...
January, you start the year off right...
It's Official. I'm an Art Teacher :)
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Teaching, Art, Math, French, Whatever
Here's the scoop, then. I observed a couple of classes this week and I should start teaching art soon. Meanwhile, the enrollment advisor from Grand Canyon University called and asked what I wanted to major in, so I said Education -- either Art, Math or French. All 3 are subjects I could have taken much further than I did. But that's the beauty of it. If I go back to school I'll get another chance. (If you want to see how far I got with art, it's comme ci comme ca -- see my portfolio on this blog.)
In Pursuit of Math Scholarship
It's a long road, I know. And with everything else going on, I don't know that I'll ever get there. But I thought I'd share the following, not by way of saying, "Hey, everybody, I want to major in math education;" but rather because I come at it from an interesting angle. You see, many people assume that they want to learn from someone who never had any fear of a subject and has always performed in accordance with their ability. Personally? I'd much rather learn from the teacher who discovered his or her gift by taking arms against his fears, because that is the person who can help me to overcome my own fears. In pursuit of this scholarship, I wrote the following:
I hope somebody is funding mathematical studies for students who have worked around and overcome their own math phobias. These will make the very best math teachers. In order to find out my own gift for problem solving, I had to bite nails and procrastinate until my homework was late. I had to re-invent the wheel while taking tests. That is something of a gift, truly. But you don't have time for that while taking a test. If school systems want the very best math teachers -- people who will help students overcome their fears and find their creativity -- they will find and fund people like me.
I hope somebody is funding mathematical studies for students who have worked around and overcome their own math phobias. These will make the very best math teachers. In order to find out my own gift for problem solving, I had to bite nails and procrastinate until my homework was late. I had to re-invent the wheel while taking tests. That is something of a gift, truly. But you don't have time for that while taking a test. If school systems want the very best math teachers -- people who will help students overcome their fears and find their creativity -- they will find and fund people like me.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
I just got offered a dream job. The offer was made, but the formal application is still pending, so it could possibly be rescinded. I wanted to tell you all about it, but I wouldn't want to brag first and then lose the bird in the bush. Besides, I'm pretty happy with what I'm doing now.
Monday, March 1, 2010
More Diet Bore Digest
I must be under a lot of stress, as evidenced by my appetite today. As far as stress is concerned, no one could blame me. I have a freelance writing project on the table with plenty of work left to do. And tomorrow I have a bit of a dream-job interview for an art teaching gig. Teaching art will improve my art. You know, I had to drop out of that Art Instruction Schools correspondence course because I couldn't make the payments anymore. This will be a way to get back on the horse, so to speak. Everything depends on me right now, so I'm a little keyed up. My appetite beat me up to the tune of 1150 calories in the middle of the afternoon. What stopped it? This is the beautiful part -- I've discovered that, after a substantial, nutritious, balanced meal, an apple is all it takes to make me feel better and stop eating. It's easy to forget that, but today I remembered. An apple stopped my mid-afternoon mini-binge!
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