Monday, January 25, 2010

O-bama O-bama Oh!

I found this tidbit at MSN about my favorite Prez. It may be nonsensical to drive traffic from a low-volume site like mine to a high-volume site like MSN, but who cares? I liked the article. I don't like the Gipper and I might not like the author. I'm left like Marx, but I appreciate this coming from the moderate right. I even find myself agreeing with the main point.

Man, I really love the Prez. I hope he does a super job and I get to help put him up on Mount Rushmore. I could help place a chalk line and someone else could blow the dynamite. Then my stint would be over and the guys who won the bid would come back and shoo me off the stage. Or the next gushing Obama fan would come up with chalk in hand. Something like that. Can you dig?

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