Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Just Because it's the Party Line

Before they invented the merry-go-round, people believed you could restore a lady's honor by knocking the other guy off his horse with a pole -- just because it was the party line. It happens in our century too because people don't question conventional so-called wisdom as much as responsibility demands. And so it is with the medical establishment's assertions that saturated fats are bad for you. Too many patients buy the party line without question or answer.

To digress, it's a little strange that in general doctors don't purport to know more than 8 credits' worth of nutrition (slightly less than the average diet diva?) but people still consult them for dietary concerns and related disorders.

But some people do challenge the party line when it comes to dietary fat. And let me tell you, they make a much more convincing case than the other side does. I'm glad it's a case the media is finally embracing. This piece comes partially annotated and is very informative. Even as it stands I thought it worthy to share. Still, a few more footnotes wouldn't hurt.

Having read it, I'm concerned because my safflower oil with all its vulnerable unsaturated molecules comes in a transparent bottle stored and sold at room temperature. Recommended intake levels for the kind of fat you hope it is are way too high for the kind of fat it may have become. This is an article I will keep handy, read repeatedly and discuss with knowledgeable merchants and manufacturers. I'm also asking these guys for the full set of footnotes.

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