Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My Letter to Shirley

Dear Shirley,

Thank you for all your research on behalf of consumers! I, too, am tired of money doing all the talking. In my blog,, I reference your article . What I would love is to have the full set of footnotes for this article. Would you oblige?

What I would love just as much is to know whether my safflower oil is safe. It came in a translucent bottle at room temperature but it is expeller pressed and low-temperature processed (manufacturer said so in his email,) preserved with natural tocopherols and now stored in my dresser drawer. Just how trans-fatty is it likely to be or to become? (How I wish I had become a chemist.)

Hey, Shirley, you know what would be awesome? You could write "Dietary Fats for Dummies." You would get a groundswell of plugs from the blogosphere and have a sleeper best-seller. Because dieters like me are feeling our ignorance and just don't know what to do. Yours is the most practical advice I've found to date and it still leaves me wanting more.

Thanks again for everything.

Kitty Lane

I didn't explicitly ask whether I could post her footnotes (my oversight,) but I can't imagine she would send them and not want them posted.

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