Saturday, October 3, 2009

Praise God

I wrote this in a letter to a dear friend today:

Praise God for cats, for dogs, for birds and for baby sea turtles. I met a large, cute-looking grasshopper today and "shook hands" with it by gently stroking its left antenna. It remained standing there as if to say, "Well met." (But when I got back to gardening the grasshopper hopped away.) I do believe in telepathy. Once, at hippie camp, I was taking care of the baby and we picked an apple for him. When the child handed the apple to me I said, "You want me to have your apple?" and he might well have conveyed something to me telepathically at that point because, even though the baby said no words, suddenly I remembered what I wanted people to do to my apples when I was a baby -- I wanted them to bite the apple so that the skin would be broken and I could eat it. I think I said out loud, "Oh, you want me to start if for you!" So I bit it and handed it back and he happily ate it.

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