Friday, October 9, 2009

Brain Dump

Praise God for such a gorgeous day. I kept busy all day because I didn't want to waste any of the day. (And also because I can't afford to get further behind in my workload!)

Unfortunately, I could not sidestep interruptions. Sometimes when I'm faced with a fillibuster I think, "Um, do you think you might make an appointment the next time you want to go on that long?" But it's hard to say it.

I took two cups of coffee today to try to sidestep depression. I tended to be tired today. That isn't good, and it isn't usual for me. Maybe I'm sick. I think my temperature was high tonight.

But praise God for such a gorgeous day. There was a zephyr and sunshine and flowers, dogs and a cat. And I do love my Mommy. I was with Mom today. I enjoyed that, taking the good with the inconvenient. Mom is very pretty and she was in a pleasant mood today.

My house is a mess. I should take out a life insurance policy on myself so that if anything does happen to me at least my sister can build us a new house. The old one was never really meant to be a house until I bought it. Now it's falling apart -- a non-conformig structure that I have no legal right to enhance significantly.

But that's not what I logged on for. No, I had lots of thoughts criss-crossing the brain today. I couldn't wait to write. What was that all about? ...

I was going to spin my plans like yarn. Why not? They're all just pipe dreams, just like the thought that people are actually reading this. Well, of course I had more that I wanted to write but, since that is what I remember, that is where I'll start.

I called the bakery today and was told to take a number. I was told that if I write snail mail to the private label fundraiing coordinator that would be tantamount to taking a number. Hopefully they will take my project and bake cookies for me to sell as a home-makeover fundraiser. And I'm thinking, wait. Shouldn't I do the fundraiser for that charity project first? And I'm thinking, how can I when my family's situation is so bad, particularly my sister's and mine. And I'm thinking, I don't have a clue. Every time I get a plan and lay out all the research I realize that it's not cost-effective to take up the research because there's no budget for the plan and no answers to all the important quesitions...

No, I can do the cookie thing for my house. Everybody's doin' it. That's why the bakery wants me to take a number. Oh, they might be in it to get a bus for their Church or a football stadium for their school; but they're doin' it and so can I. I'll get the Becky Bee book on how to build your own cob house like Henry VIII's newly landed friends at the start of the Reformation (er, right?) Only, I'll have a nicer toilet than the Seven Dwarfs'. (Remember the movie? Their sink had a hand pump.)

Suppose in the first round, seven of us go about and each sell 100 boxes of cookies for a net profit of $5 each (as they are very fine and expensive cookies.) 700 x 5 = 3500. A natural DIY building project at my school was built with a budget of $3,500! I'd be on my way. I'd still have to slay the dragons of red tape but I'd have a plan and a reason to go for it. I'd have a fighting chance. I just know my boss would help. She's very nice. And my family and some friends in Annapolis. Some of these people really know how to sell things, and they know people who can spare a few bucks for cookies.

Tonight I looked at all kinds of weird housing options. I looked at used RV's and transit busses, rail cars, cob houses, temporary buildings, tents and yurts. I passed by the straw bale option because straw would invite the same problems I have now into my future.

I know I can do this, chaos permitting. I have pulled rabbits out of my hat before. Or more likely, God has allowed me to get away with some projects. I think that's a better way to look at it since I have no control over circumstances. What I've gotten away with is having been homeless without having destroyed my health, inventing a gadget and putting it on store shelves (however unprofitably,) winning an essay contest, putting a nice fix on the state's tax verification system, getting paid to have my pictures taken, placing in a general intelligence and math aptitude test to get a scholarship, getting a standing ovation for my music, and getting a job in an economy where people are dying to work. Now, why can't I give myself good odds on selling a few hundred boxes of gourmet cookies?

I'm out of time or I'd dump more brains on the page.

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