Saturday, October 3, 2009

L'etat C'est Nous

Please try to understand the Catholic stance toward gays. We don't want to take your jobs away or kick you out of Church, and we believe in upholding your rights. But when it comes to a state-issued marriage license, suddenly the state is taking a stand. Suddenly the state is complicit in your actions, and l'etat c'est nous. So even though I disagree with what you're doing on a religious basis, if I vote to approve gay marriage, I become complicit, as much as if I agreed with it and encouraged you to do it! That's why I can't vote for it, even though I come out in defense of your rights in every other respect. I simply have no choice. Nobody seems to understand that, though. I saw a photograph of a guy at a protest wearing a sign that said something like "Tell Me How My Marriage Affects You," and now I have. I have one gay friend who endorses my stand, and others I haven't told of it for one reason or another. Well, if you're reading this, now you know. As a Catholic, I have no choice.

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