Friday, February 12, 2010

About Huckabee's Latest Groaner

From a letter I sent to a friend tonight:

Mike Huckabee is so annoying. I can't figure out if he's trying to dupe people or if he's just that stupid. His latest groaner is attacking the greenhouse emissions cap-and-trade proposal on the pretense that it punishes the companies that might otherwise be able to provide much-needed jobs. Frankly, I think said companies will need more manpower to figure out how to cut emissions and then implement their new green strategies. But the jury is out on that; only time will tell. The real issue is this:

Fifty years from now nobody will care if I spent the 2010's on welfare or if I had a job. But they will be pretty mad at me if I helped to sacrifice wild species to my need to make money, by opting to allow everyone and his subsidiary to pollute as much as he pleased. Moreover, if our president has succeeded, a healthy, labor-based inflation will have overtaken the national debt and made peanuts out of the payments, relative to the robust salaries afoot in tomorrow's dollars. These tea-party rubes have no concept of Keynsian economics but they arrogantly use the same style of rhetoric used by those who have done their homework. That pisses me off ('cuz even I can tell the difference, even with a mere 9 credits of economics under my belt and half an eye on the news.) It would be different if they addressed all the facts and the arguments, but they don't; they invent their own and dupe the ignorant masses. I keep an eye on Huckabee because he's such bad news. That's the only reason I'm on his mail list. Unfortunately, some people are on the list because they really want to heckle the US government. That pisses me off too. If I ever need a jolt of venom all I have to do is open one of Huckabee's letters (I don't always.)

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