Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I had to abort another upload

Here I sit, waiting for my artwork to upload. I’m musing about how this artist up the street, Kromkowski, said that, if your art isn’t current, you’re not really an artist. I disagree. Not only did he neglect to support his position, but I have a good case against it. Here it is: Life is long and busy. The art stays in your mind and waits for the day when it has a chance to come out. Your nerves practice in your sleep; your eyes practice in your waking life. And when there’s a break in the battle it comes out – not because you’ve suddenly resumed being an artist, but because you always were one.

This is my tea break ticking away while the files slowly upload. I don’t dare abort them after the time I’ve invested. So I continue to write, so as to bank the time…

One thought that floats up from the bottom of my mind is, I always admired those computer hobbyists from the early ‘80’s. And Nicola was one of them. What an enviable life he must have had. He had (at least) two hobbies (computers and chess) that involve concentration and long stretches of personal time. I wish every kid could have that. I might wish I could have had that, too, except that (a) I actually enjoyed something of that experience at times; and (b) I don’t know what kind of alternate reality I’d land in if I beamed back to 1982, made things all nice for myself and beamed back.

Upload refused to fail or succeed. I had to abort it just to get the computer to budge.

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