Tuesday, June 1, 2010

My Letter to Hillary

I strongly urge you to deny permits to TransCanada, and stop the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline through our communities and lands.

Tar sands oil production is incredibly toxic and puts American communities and wildlife populations at risk, while setting us back from our goal of transitioning to clean renewable energy sources.

I can't believe you were considering this. It doesn't sound like you at all! Somebody up there must be twisting your arm. Make them stop. I know that you and the Obamas sometimes consider items like this as bargaining chips so that powerful interests will be more amenable to the progressive agendas that are being put forward on behalf of the working poor, such as myself. But one thing I have to say (and I wish I had said it to the president before the BP oil spill) is that I'm not worth "bargaining chips" that imperil the earth. People like me have been abused since 1980, and if this is what it takes to rescue us, forget it. Let us continue to be abused by corporations, Republicans, employers, creditors etcetera, but protect the Earth and its innocent creatures.

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