Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Severe Setback

The student loan people gave me a forbearance and I breathed I sigh of relief, feeling that I could afford a modest Christmas celebration. After I sprung for Christmas they sent me a letter saying they were taking it back and I don't qualify for that forbearance after all. It was to be a retroactive one, so that I could come current. Instead they said that my $9 per hour was just too much money for someone to make and still get grace on a student loan. I wish they had told me that in time.

Our government will find a way to ameliorate these loans for people. Back when we borrowed them, the money was easier to come by. Plus, at that time, people had the idea that inflation would overtake their loan rates as they generally had in the then-recent past. After all these mortgage write-downs, student loans should be next.

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