Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Catch Up

Some interaction came my way in the form of an email-based chat with Russ. This is healthy for me, so I justified the time. Besides, it's a good update for this blog. Voila:

Rand: 98 degrees today. Fuck this. I may go to a movie tonight, just to get some air conditioning. (Work is fine, A/C set to about 63.)

me: Star Trek is beautiful, shows nature to great advantage.
You could watch it for the stratospheric sky-diving alone.

1:11 PM Rand: The movie? No way, I hate the franchise. Either THE HANGOVER or THE HURT LOCKER.

me: Other man-versus-nature treatments put man more in control, but Trek movie shows nature on top and with respect.

never heard of those flix.

1:13 PM Rand: Doesn't surprise me. Anyway, just a thought. I'm partial to lying in the bathtub in cool water for half an hour with a Red Hook, nice way to take down my core body temperature.

1:14 PM me: I got heat exhaustion Monday from driving around trying to get my birth certificate for work (starting new job.) Then Tuesday I risked it again going to the Dept of Transportation for my driver license. Tuesday night I presented the document at the office and was told to start in a week.

1:15 PM Rand: Well, that's some good news. Money is good? Your situation with your mother stable?

1:16 PM me: I moved back to PA, but I'll be spending [work nights] with Mom so I can be where the work is. Money is nothin'. $9 per hour. But, thanks to the President, we'll soon have health insurance.

Rand: So what happened to your crazy sister?

1:17 PM me: She got out of the hospital. They slipped the hearing by me without adequate notice so I could not testify. I begged them to do a brain scan and test for lyme disease before she got a lawyer and got herself out, but now they say there wasn't time. Bullshit.

1:18 PM Rand: So she's wandering the streets? Or shacked up with you?

me: She's with me
She's a very good housekeeper. That house would be nothing without her

Rand: I could believe that—

me: Hate to sound selfish. I'm not really. Even if she were a slob I'd want her living there

1:19 PM Rand: Sounds like the symbiosis you need.

[text omitted]

me: This is shaping up to be a good catch-up material for my blog. Can I post the conversation?

[text omitted]

1:21 PM Rand: However, because it was 94 fucking degrees out, I [text omitted]

me: Do you have AC in your car?
I don't.

1:22 PM Rand: No, but I'm not driving much either. I just open my windows about half an hour before I drive any place, try to leave it in the shade.

You want to post this conversation, leave out [text omitted.]

me: OK

1:24 PM bye now?
Hey, I'm writing a book about (shh! don't tell) an elephant who paints.

1:27 PM Rand: Yeah. OK....

1:29 PM me: See, the little boy wants to build a tree house, which gives the elephant the idea for a tree village so that humans can live side-by-side with the animals instead of destroying habitat. The elephant creates quite a stir when he paints his idea.
Pilgrims come to see the elephant, and the municipality has to host them without destroying habitat.

1:30 PM Rand: Long as your target readership is kids (and not elephants--).

me: It's not.
It's hippies

1:31 PM I could sell it in that East-meets-west book store in the U district.
I've decided to set it in India.

Rand: Well, let me know when you find a publisher.

me: All I have to do is shake the hippie tree and publisher will fall out.
1:32 PM then i'll tell him he needs a tree village so he won't keep falling out of hippie trees.

1:33 PM Rand: Have to take your word for it. Year and a half in Seattle, and you didn't get much with any hippies out here.

1:34 PM me: I hate to say it, because I dread my chores. But I should stop procrastinating and sign off soon.

1:35 PM Rand: Think of me--I'm at work.

me: Ok, catch you later.

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